『Playz Advanced Electronic Circuit Board Engineering Toy for Kids | 328+ Edu 『品質重視』』はヤフオクでkJ-ec7b691e3dから12月17日 03時 16分に出品され01月06日 03時 16分に終了予定です。即決価格は14,790円に設定されています。現在244件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | Playz Advanced Electronic Circuit Board Engineering Toy for Kids | 328+ Educational Experiments to Wire & Build Smart Connections Using Creative Knowledge of Electricity | Science Gift for Children |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | CREATE YOUR OWN CIRCUITS - Does your student or child love learning about science, physics, mechanical, structural, and electrical engineering? This Playz Starter Electronic Circuit Board Toy gives kids the chance to explore how a variety of electronics work, including lights, sounds, magnetism and even radios! Boys and girls can learn how to wire, build and engineer over 25+ exciting electronic experiments for boys and girls! OVER 328 HANDS-ON EXPERIMENTS - Children ages 8 and older will be able to experience a real science and electronics center at their fingertips. Over 328 experiments will provide unlimited hours of challenging fun for students. Kids will have a blast connecting things like a AM/FM radio, a flying fan, animal sounds, a doorbell, LED lights, and many more! EXPLORE YOUR SENSES - This electrifying experience includes light controls, magnetic controls, sound controls, and touch controls. Junior scientists will enjoy a sensory experience like no other! Connect the wires to discover and test the powers of your own science center. EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL - Your Playz electronics board includes a 64-page illustrated instruction manual for assembly of circuits and fascinating multi-experiments. Younger children may need adult or parental supervision while setting up this science toy center. Experiments range from simple to challenging, allowing kids to grow and learn in a snap while they’re having fun. GREAT FOR S.T.E.M. LEARNING - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; rather than teach the four methods as separate and individual subjects, STEM consolidates them into a interconnected learning standard based on real-world applications. Each kit is a working model lab that demonstrates STEM concepts for ages 8 and up. |
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