『Chees D Zone 3 Piece Bed Set USA Old Car Gas StationSoft Breathable Duvet C 保証あり』はヤフオクでkJ-2d81358824から01月04日 10時 49分に出品され01月24日 10時 49分に終了予定です。即決価格は14,090円に設定されています。現在533件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。島根県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | Chees D Zone 3 Piece Bed Set USA Old Car Gas StationSoft Breathable Duvet Cover and Pillow ShamsVintage Truck Route66 Bedding Set for Kids/Men/Women Bedroom Hotel Dormitory Guest Room Queen |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | Quality Material3 piece bed set are made of polyester microfiber fabric durability and comfortable.Skinfriendly and breathable quilt covers keep your body refreshing all night bid farewell to irritable and sweaty nights ensure adequate sleep and usher in a quiet and comfortable new sleep experience. 3 Pieces Bedding SetsQueen size 1 duvet cover 3 pillow cases no comforter. One side print support customized design. Suitable for use in spring summer autumn and winter. FeaturesDuvet cover set is soft to the touch durable and comfortable. Enjoying sleep is an attitude to life comfortable bed sheets to care for the whole nights sleep.A happiness life starts with a good sleep quality.Perfect for bedroomhotelguest room kids room etc. Thoughtful DesignThe invisible zipper of the bed cover set allows you to insert and remove the duvet. The fourcorner tie prevents the duvet from slipping off allowing you to relax while resting. Satisfactory serviceBed sheets support gentle machine wash if you have any questions please contact us. 3piece bed sheet is a warm gift for friends and family they will be very pleasantly surprised at Independence Day Easter Mothers Day housewarming etc. |
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